书虫·牛津英汉双语读物(美绘版)第一级(套装共7本)(txt+pdf+epub+mobi电子书下载) 您所在的位置:网站首页 书虫美绘光盘版 pdf 书虫·牛津英汉双语读物(美绘版)第一级(套装共7本)(txt+pdf+epub+mobi电子书下载)


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书虫·牛津英汉双语读物(美绘版)第一级(套装共7本)书虫·牛津英汉双语读物(美绘版)第一级(套装共7本)试读:版权信息书名:书虫·牛津英汉双语读物(美绘版)第一级(套装共7本)作者:埃斯科特;柯南道尔等排版:吱吱出版社:外语教学与研究出版社出版时间:2010-06-01ISBN:9787513518253本书由外语教学与研究出版社授权北京当当科文电子商务有限公司制作与发行。— · 版权所有 侵权必究 · —AUTHOR 关于作者

John Escott

John Escott has written many books for readers of all ages, and particularly enjoys writing crime and mystery thrillers. He was born in the west of England, but now lives on the south coast. When he is not writing, he visits second-hand bookshops, watches videos of old Hollywood movies, and takes long walks along empty beaches. He has also written Kidnap! and retold William Tell and Other Stories and White Fang for the Bookworm Series.




Here are the people in the story A Pretty Face.Zoe BakerAunt PeggyTodd MarinMike MorrisonAnnie o'NeilKate Lawson

1 Match these sentences with the pictures and write the names. Use a dictionary to help you.

a _____________ She's a student. She's Zoe's friend.

b _____________ She works in a bookstore. She likes acting.

c _____________ She's the editor of an important magazine.

d _____________ He's a student. He likes writing.

e _____________ He's a rich writer. He doesn't like talking to people.

f _____________ She's the editor of a small newspaper. She's Mike's aunt.

2 Some of the people in this story become friends. Who makes friends with who?Chapter 1 Zoe is angry第一章 佐伊很生气

Zoe is seventeen years old. She works in a bookstore, in the little town of Newport. Zoe likes books and she likes her work. But after work she likes to act in plays with the Newport Players.

The Newport Players do six plays every year, and Zoe is in most of them. Some plays are exciting, and some plays are famous. This week, the play is Romeo and Juliet by William Shakespeare.

'A lot of people are coming to see it,' Zoe thinks. 'I must act well.'

Mike is eighteen years old. He is a student at Newport College and he likes writing. One day he wants to write plays for the theatre and for television.

'One day I want to be famous,' he thinks.

Newport has a newspaper. The Newport Weekly News is its name, and Mike's Aunt Peggy is the editor. One morning, she phones Mike.

'Do you want to write a review of Romeo and Juliet for the newspaper, Mike?' she asks him. 'The Newport Players are doing the play tonight at the Little Theatre.'

'Yes, please, Aunt Peggy!' Mike says. 'Thanks for asking me.'

That evening, he goes to Newport's Little Theatre to see the play.

Mike goes into the theatre and sits at the front. He gets out his notebook and pen, ready to write notes for his review. There are a lot of people in the audience.

Five minutes later, the play begins.

Zoe acts the part of Juliet's mother. She knows all her words and speaks them well.

Mike is watching her.

'She's very pretty and she's doing her best,' he thinks. 'But it's not easy to act the part of an older woman. She's only sixteen or seventeen years old, and we all know it.'

He begins to write in his notebook.

Two hours later, the play ends and the audience leaves the theatre. Mike goes home and writes his review for the newspaper. He doesn't feel very happy.

'It was a good play, but what can I say about the girl acting the part of Juliet's mother?' he thinks. 'I want to be kind but I must be honest, too.'

At the bookstore on Friday, Zoe reads Mike's review of the play in the Newport Weekly News.and Zoe Baker acts the part of Juliet's mother. She has a pretty face and she speaks her words well. But she is a young girl in an older woman's costume, and we all know it. She can never make me believe differently.

Zoe is angry. She looks at the name under the review: Mike Morrison.

'Who is this Mike Morrison?' she thinks. 'What does he know about acting?'

bookstore n. a shop for books 书店

act v. to speak and move; to tell a story in front of other people 表演

play n. a story that people act 戏剧

player n. an old name for people who act in plays (旧称)演员

famous adj. that everybody knows 著名的

college n. you study here after you leave school 大学

theatre n. a building where people go to see plays 剧院

newspaper n. people read about things that happen every day in this 报纸

editor n. the person who says which stories go in a newspaper 编辑

review n. some writing in a newspaper telling people about a new play or book (报纸上对新剧或新书的)评论

notebook n. a small book for writing in 笔记本

audience n. the people who go to see a play 观众

part n. one of the people in a play 角色

pretty adj. beautiful 漂亮的

kind adj. nice to people 友善的

honest adj. saying things that are true 诚实的

costume n. the things that a person wears in a play 戏服

believe v. to think that something is true 相信



Choose the correct pictures.


1 These words don't match the pictures. Correct them.

a newspaper  audience 

b audience ____________

c college _____________

d notebook ____________

e costume _____________

f theatre _____________

2 Use words from Chapter 1 to complete the sentences.

a Aunt Peggy is the e d i t o r of the Newport Weekly News.

b Romeo and Juliet is a _ _ _ _ by Shakespeare.

c Agatha Christie is a _ _ _ _ _ _ English writer.

d Zoe Baker likes to _ _ _ in her free time.

e Zoe has an important _ _ _ _ in this week's play – she is Juliet's mother.

f Mike thinks Zoe has a _ _ _ _ _ _ face.

g Mike must write a _ _ _ _ _ _ of Romeo and Juliet for Aunt Peggy's newspaper.

h Do you _ _ _ _ _ _ that Zoe can act well?

i Do you like my new shoes? Please be _ _ _ _ _ _.


What happens in the next chapter? Tick two boxes.

aZoe sees Mike.

bZoe talks to Mike.

cZoe hits Mike.

dZoe talks to a friend about Mike.Chapter 2 Zoe has an idea第二章 佐伊的点子

On Tuesday evening the next week, Zoe and her friend Annie are drinking coffee in the Newport Café. Annie is a student at Newport College and sometimes in the evenings she and Zoe meet at the café.

Suddenly, Zoe sees a boy sitting at a table across the room. 'Who's that boy?' she asks Annie.

Annie laughs. 'Do you like him? He has a nice face,' she says. 'His name's Mike. I often see him at the college.'

'Mike?' Zoe says. 'Mike who?'

'Mike Morrison,' Annie says.

'That's Mike Morrison?' Zoe says. She is furious.

'Yes, why?' Annie asks.

'He writes reviews for the Newport Weekly News,' Zoe says.

'That's right,' Annie says. 'His aunt is the editor. He... oh!' She stops suddenly and looks at Zoe. 'The review of Romeo and Juliet—'

'Right!' Zoe says.' Do you remember it? "Zoe Baker acts the part of Juliet's mother. She has a pretty face and she speaks her words well. But she is a young girl in an older woman's costume, and we all know it." Nice face or no nice face, I hate him!'

Annie laughs. 'OK, go and tell him,' she says. 'Go and say, "I hate you, Mike Morrison. You write stupid reviews for the newspaper." Go on.'

But Zoe isn't laughing. 'Yes, all right!' she says furiously, and she begins to get up from her chair. Then she stops, suddenly.

'What's wrong?' Annie asks. 'Are you afraid?'

'No,' Zoe says. 'I have a better idea. Does he come into this café often?'

'Every Tuesday and Thursday evening, I think,' Annie says. 'He has a writing class at the college, and he comes here after it finishes.'

Zoe thinks for a minute or two. 'That's very interesting,' she says at last.

'Is it?' Annie says. She looks across at Mike Morrison, then at Zoe. 'Why is it interesting? What are you thinking of doing?'

'Tell me, am I a good actress?' Zoe asks.

'Yes, you are,' Annie says. 'But—'

'OK,' Zoe says. 'I'm a good actress and I want to prove it to Mr Mike-Nice-Face-Morrison.'

'How do you want to do that?' Annie asks.

Zoe smiles and begins to tell Annie about her idea...

coffee n. people often drink this in the morning 咖啡

café n. you go here to have a drink and something to eat 咖啡厅

furious adj. very angry 愤怒的

hate v. not to love 讨厌

stupid adj. without thinking well 愚蠢的

idea n. something that you think 主意,想法

class n. a time when students learn with a teacher 课程

actress n. a woman who acts in plays 女演员

prove v. to make people see that something is true 证明



Put these sentences in the correct order. Number them 1–8.

aZoe gets very angry.

bZoe sees a boy across the room.

cAnnie remembers the review of Romeo and Juliet.

dZoe starts to get up to speak to Mike.

eZoe and Annie meet at the Newport Café.

fIn the end Zoe wants to do something and she tells Annie about it.

gThen Zoe sits down again.

hAnnie says the boy's name is Mike Morrison.




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